I finally took the step to de-activate my medium-counseling website, which no longer serves a purpose. Maybe I could have done that a half year ago, but I wasn't feeling the need nor the want to stop the site. Clearly I needed some time to process the termination of the practice.
To be honest, I like having a web site. When I worked for the multinational, there was almost always an internal web site for me to manage. However, counseling and mediumship are no longer a work avenue for me to explore, so the matching web site has become unnecessary, and even misleading.I enjoyed its design, and its easiness of updating documents as well as creating new pages though.
Last week I took the decision last week to explore a writing career consisting of a.o. book writing, copywriting and blogging. So now I have a new excuse to create and maintain a web site. :-)
This morning I checked out the available domains, and found various open ones that could serve my upcoming career. I called the hosting company, SoHosted, employing very friendly and supportive people, and explained the situation: my wish to de-activate the current medium-counseling web site (with no possibility to be found online) and, when ready, to start a new web site, using the design and structure of the current web site. No problem for the guy who helped me. He renamed the wwwroot directory, and told me that they could easily link the directory at some point in time to a new domain of my choice. Easy-peasy!
Now I feel content and ready to take a next step that is closer to my heart's desires than the practice turned out to be.
This week I dedicate to going through my translated manuscript, and to preparing my meeting with the publisher this Friday. Afterwards: time to investigate the possibilities to write for a living, possibly as a freelancer. Maybe coupled with a part time job (when available) to cover the fixed costs for living.
Looking forward to it!
maandag 18 januari 2016
zaterdag 16 januari 2016
A dive into Scandinavian literature
In the eighties of last century I studied Scandinavian languages and their literature at the University of Amsterdam. In those years we had to pick a main language before starting the first year, and mine was Swedish. In the second year we were supposed to make another choice, between cultural studies, language/grammar science and literature study. I took up the latter, as a frequent reader of fiction.
With great joy I immersed myself in learning Swedish and taking all kinds of related and mandatory classes. However, I liked the sound of Norwegian a lot, so I learned that language as well, and I ended up taking quite some classes in Norwegian literature, next to many more ones in Swedish literature and drama.
My professor, no longer among us, had a phd degree in drama studies. I saw many Scandinavian drama productions in the theatres of Amsterdam in those days, by Strindberg, Ibsen, Lars Noren, etcetera. Good times. Great bonding experiences.
One year after his passing his two daughters have invited the Scandinavists to his library, giving us the opportunity to buy some of his over 1000 books at a very reasonable price.
(Picture portraits August Strindberg, borrowed from Wikipedia
With two of my former co-students, now friends, we'll go there this afternoon. Pure nostalgia. Looking forward to take a last look at the books, and I maybe even use the opportunity to buy one or two.
During my studies I bought various Swedish and Norwegian novels, for the pleasure of reading them, and for the literature classes. My favorite authors are: Strindberg (his drama works), Ibsen (especially Peer Gynt), Jonas Lie, Tarjei Vesaas, Ivar Lo Johansson, Harry Martinsson, Vilhemn Moberg, Goran Tunstrom, and Knut Hamsun. I also like the Stig Larsson trilogy, and other contemporary writers.
With great joy I immersed myself in learning Swedish and taking all kinds of related and mandatory classes. However, I liked the sound of Norwegian a lot, so I learned that language as well, and I ended up taking quite some classes in Norwegian literature, next to many more ones in Swedish literature and drama.
One year after his passing his two daughters have invited the Scandinavists to his library, giving us the opportunity to buy some of his over 1000 books at a very reasonable price.
(Picture portraits August Strindberg, borrowed from Wikipedia
With two of my former co-students, now friends, we'll go there this afternoon. Pure nostalgia. Looking forward to take a last look at the books, and I maybe even use the opportunity to buy one or two.
During my studies I bought various Swedish and Norwegian novels, for the pleasure of reading them, and for the literature classes. My favorite authors are: Strindberg (his drama works), Ibsen (especially Peer Gynt), Jonas Lie, Tarjei Vesaas, Ivar Lo Johansson, Harry Martinsson, Vilhemn Moberg, Goran Tunstrom, and Knut Hamsun. I also like the Stig Larsson trilogy, and other contemporary writers.
woensdag 13 januari 2016
Excellent community spirit leads to great results
This morning I received the excellent news that our eco-friendly (water-regulating) local neighborhood park Domela Nieuwenhuisplantsoen will be conserved, and will probably even receive an upgrade.
Feeling quite satisfied with the result and this development in our neighborhood!
Also, this morning I noticed a vacancy for a job that interests me. Tomorrow morning I will dedicate my time to write a hopefully impressive and attractive application letter.
(Image is borrowed from bruderheim.ca)
zondag 10 januari 2016
Dutch book publication + An introduction to my new research
I may not have found a job yet, but I did land an offer a few days ago from a small publishing house in the Netherlands to issue the Dutch version of my manuscript in print. In two weeks we'll be discussing the how's and when's. Exciting!
In the meantime I will go through the manuscript again, on the look out for sentences or paragraphs about my mediumship. The publisher was not sure whether the combination of academic study and mediumship would work for the readers. He mentioned that I could always insert an 'afterword' at the end of the book about my mediumistic skills. I'll take a look, and I'll rewrite the sentences or paragraphs if and where necessary.
Last August I felt like wanting to do new research, about multidimensionality. Since then I have been busy searching and pre-investigating materials about the existence or possibilities of parallel universes, and of parallel selves. Look here for a recent article about such possible existence: http://www.techtimes.com/articles/103346/20151105/scientist-may-have-found-proof-of-alternate-parallel-universe.htm
Parallel selves are said to be probable selves until a big decision occurs, such as a choice of study, a marriage, children, divorce, etcetera. For example: a person decides not to have children. A probable self, with the same psychological make-up as the physical self, at that point will come into parallel existence in a parallel world, and it will have children.
(Borrowed from Henry Sturman.com)
I find that a fascinating idea or theory. I have started to dive in the probabilities of parallel world/universes from the perspective of modern fysics theories, and also from the point of view of reputable discarnate entities like Seth and Elias. Other types of (non-)physical selves have attracted my attention as well. But I will not go into them right now, it is much too early for that.
In the meantime I will go through the manuscript again, on the look out for sentences or paragraphs about my mediumship. The publisher was not sure whether the combination of academic study and mediumship would work for the readers. He mentioned that I could always insert an 'afterword' at the end of the book about my mediumistic skills. I'll take a look, and I'll rewrite the sentences or paragraphs if and where necessary.
Last August I felt like wanting to do new research, about multidimensionality. Since then I have been busy searching and pre-investigating materials about the existence or possibilities of parallel universes, and of parallel selves. Look here for a recent article about such possible existence: http://www.techtimes.com/articles/103346/20151105/scientist-may-have-found-proof-of-alternate-parallel-universe.htm
Parallel selves are said to be probable selves until a big decision occurs, such as a choice of study, a marriage, children, divorce, etcetera. For example: a person decides not to have children. A probable self, with the same psychological make-up as the physical self, at that point will come into parallel existence in a parallel world, and it will have children.
I find that a fascinating idea or theory. I have started to dive in the probabilities of parallel world/universes from the perspective of modern fysics theories, and also from the point of view of reputable discarnate entities like Seth and Elias. Other types of (non-)physical selves have attracted my attention as well. But I will not go into them right now, it is much too early for that.
donderdag 7 januari 2016
Multilingual skills are hot
In my first post I forgot to mention that I speak about a 100 languages. Well, that is of course exaggerated, but I do have skills in English, Swedish, Norwegian and Spanish, actively and passively . And I understand German.
So, when browsing through the endless lists of job postings on websites, and not finding one that spoke to me in terms of interests and educational level, I decided this morning to check out the job postings that especially mention Swedish (and/or Norwegian) language requirements.
I bumped into various postings on multilingual recruitment websites, and one of them I found attractive. So I called the company (again, no names), and nicely enough an HR employee called me back.
My language combination was appreciated by the employee, who requested a mail with my CV.
Done and sent! Feeling accomplished right now. And content about the availability of such postings. On Monday I'll check those multilingual sites again. Who knows what catches my eyes, meets my interests, and 'pleases' the (candidate searching) companies!
Apparently, there are many mulitilingual people living in the NLs, according to an EU research conducted in 2013. See the article on the IamExpat website for more information: http://www.iamexpat.nl/read-and-discuss/expat-page/news/dutch-among-most-multilingual-in-europe.
Luckily, my strange language combination is not often heard of. And I can always learn the scripting/programming languages php and python in addition! :-)
(Image is borrowed from socialsignal.com)
So, when browsing through the endless lists of job postings on websites, and not finding one that spoke to me in terms of interests and educational level, I decided this morning to check out the job postings that especially mention Swedish (and/or Norwegian) language requirements.
I bumped into various postings on multilingual recruitment websites, and one of them I found attractive. So I called the company (again, no names), and nicely enough an HR employee called me back.
My language combination was appreciated by the employee, who requested a mail with my CV.
Done and sent! Feeling accomplished right now. And content about the availability of such postings. On Monday I'll check those multilingual sites again. Who knows what catches my eyes, meets my interests, and 'pleases' the (candidate searching) companies!
Apparently, there are many mulitilingual people living in the NLs, according to an EU research conducted in 2013. See the article on the IamExpat website for more information: http://www.iamexpat.nl/read-and-discuss/expat-page/news/dutch-among-most-multilingual-in-europe.
(Image is borrowed from socialsignal.com)
dinsdag 5 januari 2016
Welcome to my new blog on my life as a 50 year old lady living in Amsterdam!
My name is Jantine, and right now I am jobless, struggling with the tough 50 plus job market in the beautiful capital city of the Netherlands.
So I decided to create a blog and dedicate it to all jobless 50 plus people in this city. As lots of them are not necessarily native Dutch, and as 50-plussers in other countries might be interested in this blog as well, I chose to write in English. By the way, the picture of the canal houses in Amsterdam is taken by the photographer Koen Smilde.
Of course our identity stretches much further than our jobless position. So I'll be talking a lot about my activities next to job hunting. However, this first post is about my stats only, just to give you an impression of my work background.
My target job: information and data research specialist, who gathers, analyzes and reports on information and data blocks from various fields.
My hunting status:
- Checking out job web sites such as Monsterboard and Nationale Vacaturebank and applying for open positions where suitable, usually in the morning.
- Already done: communication of CV(s) to job companies and uploading CV to forenamed web sites.
My work experience:
- Author of non fiction book on free will, consciousness and the self. Published in Feb 2013.
- Writer of crime novel, not published.
- Writer/author of 2 blogs, no longer online.
- Investigator into consciousness topics
- Information coordinator, reporting manager, as well as customer satisfaction data and information analyst, (FTE) with a large multinational, for 16,5 years. No need for a name.
That's enough facts for now. The next post will be more about the stuff I do for fun. My fun, that is.

So I decided to create a blog and dedicate it to all jobless 50 plus people in this city. As lots of them are not necessarily native Dutch, and as 50-plussers in other countries might be interested in this blog as well, I chose to write in English. By the way, the picture of the canal houses in Amsterdam is taken by the photographer Koen Smilde.
Of course our identity stretches much further than our jobless position. So I'll be talking a lot about my activities next to job hunting. However, this first post is about my stats only, just to give you an impression of my work background.
My target job: information and data research specialist, who gathers, analyzes and reports on information and data blocks from various fields.
My hunting status:
- Checking out job web sites such as Monsterboard and Nationale Vacaturebank and applying for open positions where suitable, usually in the morning.
- Already done: communication of CV(s) to job companies and uploading CV to forenamed web sites.
My work experience:
- Author of non fiction book on free will, consciousness and the self. Published in Feb 2013.
- Writer of crime novel, not published.
- Writer/author of 2 blogs, no longer online.
- Investigator into consciousness topics
- Information coordinator, reporting manager, as well as customer satisfaction data and information analyst, (FTE) with a large multinational, for 16,5 years. No need for a name.
That's enough facts for now. The next post will be more about the stuff I do for fun. My fun, that is.
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